We are pleased to announce that Dr. Mike's mission trip to Peru was a fantastic success. Dr. Hopkins traveled to Zapalla, Peru as part of a Rotary Club delegation that included a cleft palate team. They operated exclusively at the area's orphanage.
Dr. Hopkins treated 96 children during the two day clinic. All of the procedures performed were extractions, as time and equipment did not allow for more. All together, the Rotary team treated 226 dental patients and 14 cleft palate surgeries.
Dr. Hopkins and Dr. Lepeak, a long time dental friend, also brought nailpolish they had collected here in the United States, and had female members of the team polish the little girl's nails while they were in line for dental treatment.
Dr. Hopkins was also able to spend time in the orphanage visiting with the children and staff that live there. At the time of this blog, no plans have been discussed for next year's trip.