"Would you like Botox with that? How about we make it a super size?"
Sadly, this mentality is permeating the facial rejuvenation community. Botox spas are opening up in local shopping malls and other commercial places. The atmosphere is similar to a nail or hair salon, appointments can be made, but you can also be seen on a walk in basis. This is giving consumers the impression that Botox isn't a medical procedure, and can be done on a whim.
This simply isn't true. Botox is a purified protein form of the Botulism toxin. It has been approved by the FDA, and can only be prescribed by physicians. It works by relaxing the muscles it is injected into, typically in the forehead or around the eyes. Medical training in head and neck anatomy is crucial to correctly administering Botox. Knowing just where to inject is not only a science, but also an art form. Injecting the wrong area could have unwanted results. Does that sound like something that should be ordered off of a drive through menu?
Though many of these clinics and storefronts are "overseen" by licensed physicians, they are not always on site, and often are not the individuals giving injections. When Botox is ordered off the drive through menu, it's hard to know who is actually administering your treatment, and what their actual training and qualifications are.
Another attractive feature of these mall clinics is the low cost. Beware of Botox sold below $10/unit, or at a fixed price for an area. Allergan, the US producer and distributor of Botox Cosmetic, sells their product to only licensed physicians at roughly the same rate. Any purchase below $10/unit is most likely not Botox Cosmetic, expired or, it is not being administered in the proper amounts.
Additionally, when Botox is performed in a medical office with a trained support staff, you can be sure that the environment is appropriately sterile and maintained.
"Your face is your outward representation of who you are. Don't trust it to just anyone." says Dr. Mike Hopkins. "Spend the time, do the homework so you acheive the best results for a beautiful you. If you eat McDonald's three times a day, its going to show up on your body. If you do drive through Botox, the results will be about the same."