Don't be silly, of course they don't. Witness the lady in front of you in the lunch line as she takes 20 minutes to order a 6 inch sub. Do you think an extra set of molars are going to help her out?
All kidding aside, wisdom teeth have become a college right of passage. There's something about sitting miserably in the house for the first week of your summer vacation with chipmunk cheeks that helps transition you into the adult world.
However, the question has been raised... "If we all just get our Wisdom Teeth extracted, why did God give them to us in the first place?" Unfortunately, God did not consult me in the Creation process, or chocolate would be non-fattening and super nutritious and we'd have mini pet dinosaurs. However, a history lesson does shed some light on the subject. Once upon a time, our ancestors had thicker jaws that actually had room for wisdom teeth. Our ancestors also did not share our culinary expertise, those guys in the Geico commercials almost never cooked their food, never mind actually using a knife and fork. In fact, up until modern times, table food was contaminated with debris. This debris would get between teeth and erode them. By the time that an individual reached physical maturity (at which point they had supposedly gained wisdom, get it?), the teeth had eroded and shifted. The third molars would erupt, and push the eroded teeth back together.
You might notice our jaws are a little bit smaller and noticeably more attractive now. That is directly related to the fact that we have improved our food preparation dramatically and no longer require the same amount of chewing power. In fact (and this is fascinating!), humans are beginning to be born WITHOUT wisdom teeth! Our office has seen many members of the next generation that are not developing full sets of third molars, and some do not develop them at all!
If you're having a problem with your wisdom teeth, give our office a call at 727.733.1175 and let us know you read this blog, we'll give you a free evaluation!