You are what you eat. Luckily, I can safely say I'm not a Big Mac and Fries. Did you know that there are certain foods that can not only improve your health, but your appearance as well? It's true, the food we eat can make a big difference in the health and vibrance of your skin. Here's a list of our top favorites and their benefits:
-Romaine Lettuce: It's high in Vitamin A (OTC Retinol), which promotes cell turnover and collagen stimulation. In short, it's a natural exfoliant. It's also high in Vitamin K, which promotes vascular health. How's it good for your teeth? In homeopathic dentistry, romaine lettuce is thought to help reduce sensitivity and stregnthen enamel.
-Tomatoes: High in Lycopene, tomatoes help to reduce the risk of sunburn. Lycopene is also thought to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. As a snack, cherry tomatoes are a healthy alternative to sugary treats that promote tooth decay.
- Strawberries: These favorites are high in Vitamin C, which is a potent antioxidant. Vitamin C helps to produce collagen and maintain skin's firmness. Ellagic acid is also abundant in strawberries, this antioxidant protects the skin's elastic fibers and keeps skin from sagging. Strawberries can also be mixed with baking powder to help remove stains on teeth. Strawberries contain malic acid, which helps to remove surface stains.
-Apples: Apples contain the antioxidant Quercetin, which helps to minimize sunburn. It also minimalizes the damages caused by UVB rays, which can lead to skin cancer. Apples can also mimic the actions of a toothbrush, and work to help scrub the teeth clean. While apples may remove surface stain and tartar, it is still important to brush your teeth after eating them as they do contain sugar which will cling to the surface.
-Eggs: Eggs are high luthein and zeaxanthin protect against UV damage that causes fine lines, age spots and skin cancer. Eggs are a good stand in foe teeth in experiments and science projects. Curious as to if a food or drink might stain your teeth? Try it out on an eggshell first!
-Almonds: Almonds contain Vitamin E, one of the most beneficial antioxidants for skin health. Almonds also help boost the skin's moisture level. Almonds are also abundant in phosphorous, which helps to keep your bones and teeth strong.
-Olive Oil: Olive Oil is high in essential fatty acids that help to retain the skin's moisture. The body cannot synthesize EFA's, so a tablespoon of olive oil every day is beneficial. How is olive oil good for your teeth? Rinsing with an olive oil and water mixture can help to treat gingivitis.
Check back soon for more skin care secrets!