Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why Places Like Peru Still Matter

Recently my secretary fielded a call from a person who had visited our website and took notice of the fact that I will be returning to Peru in March to continue my donated dental work. She hadn't called to schedule a dental appointment, nor to contribute any useful information to the upcoming trip. She had simply called to suggest that I cancel my trip to Peru and travel to Haiti instead.

I have been to Haiti many, many times to donate dentistry. I am sure I will ultimately travel to Haiti again. As my secretary explained that I was already engaged to go to Peru, and could not cancel, the woman became irate. Obviously, she has some deeper issues than just an oh-so-new burning passion for Haiti. Then several patients also asked if I would be going to Haiti.

I empathize with Haiti. I have been there, and understand first hand the excruciating hardships that these people lived with on a daily basis BEFORE the devestation of the earthquake. I understand that it will be quite some time before we can help them return to the progress they were striving for. But one thought kept running through my head, "Don't they see?"

Haiti is catastrophic, but all around the world there are developing nations dealing with their own crisis and catastrophes. The orphanages in Peru still matter. Their condition hasn't improved because Haiti's has deteriorated. The developing nations around the world are still in need of our aid. Nor should our efforts be based on what is currently news worthy and fashionable. They should be consistent, and targeted to where they will do the most good. The most effective aid is often rendered when there is no one around to broadcast it.

Bringing dignity and education to these countries does help Haiti, as well as the next place that crisis hits. The term "developing nations" isn't just a PC term to replace "third world". Its an idea, its an expression of hope. As we help others develop, there will be more hands to help clear rubble. There will be more volunteers to help feed and clothe those that are in need. As they have been helped, so will they help.

Peru still matters. Sri Lanka still matters. Mongolia still matters. Helping all people across the globe still matters, and it always should.