Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Holiday Card Drive for Recovering Soldiers

This is the fourth year that we've been running our Holiday Cards for Soldiers drive. This year we've partnered with Copic Marker Scrapbooking to enlist the aid of their crafty card making friends.

With the violence escalating on a daily basis in Afghanistan, there are many soldiers recovering in VA facilities this year. It is our hope that the Christmas cards we collect will help cheer their spirits.

One special crafter deserves special recognition, Ms. Alicia Baldwin. Check out the package we received from Alicia today!

There are over 100 cards in this box!! Way to go Alicia! If you're interested in seeing more of Alicia's work, including a recap of her efforts for our card drive, you can visit her blog:

It's not too late to participate! If you'd like to send some cards, they must be post marked by December 11th. Please send them to the following:

Hopkins Aesthetic & Reconstructive Dentistry
1952 Bayshore Blvd.
Dunedin, FL 34698
Attn: Holiday Card Drive

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dental Tourism: NOT a vacation!

I've been seeing an increasing number of dental ads lately relating to "Dental Tourism". If you haven't heard the term before, allow me to explain. Dental Tourism occurs when a person elects to travel outside of the United States to have their dental work done. Popular destinations include Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama and India.

So why have I noticed these ads, and why am I bothering to blog about it?

Several reasons really, but mostly because it's not the vacation that it's made out to be. The ads I've seen make it seem as if you're sipping a pina colada and getting a massage while having a mouth full of dental implants done. Now, I've obviously never engaged in dental tourism, but I'm positive that's not how it's done.

It's not worth leaving the country to get a few fillings. The cost of travel alone will be greater than your dental bill. It's is reasonable to assume then that most patients are engaging in dental tourism for more complicated procedures such as dental implants and full mouth crowning.

What's important to understand is that these are actual surgeries. They are not one appointment treatments, like fillings. Dental implants are a complex procedure, and require a copious amount of after care. Recently, a former patient of mine returned to the practice. She had been to South America and had all of her upper teeth extracted and an implant denture made. She had saved approximately $20,000 by having the work done in South America.

Dental implants are a tricky thing... that's why the best person to place and maintain them is an oral surgeon. Long story short, the patient returned home and had not lined up after care. There were complications, and of course she wasn't able to travel back and forth to South America several times a week. All in all, after having to purchase after care to correct several of the problems, she spent more than she would have if she had had the work done locally.

If you are considering doing extensive dental work, it is best to select a local dentist that you trust. You can then guarantee that aftercare will be included with your work, and that they will be able to address not only any medical issues that arise, but assist with the emotional aspect of your recovery. Plus, it's always great to buy American.

If you have any questions, or would like more information, please visit .

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Vampire Teeth? Cosmetic Dentistry Makes it Possible for True Twi-Hards to Obtain Fangs

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've heard of the Vampire craze that's out there. If you're not a fan, sit tight, there's only one more movie left. If you are a fan, sorry, there's only one more movie left. If you're a DIEHARD Twi-hard... let's talk about Vampire teeth.

A patient recently asked if we'd ever made Vampire teeth for anyone. Umm, wow, really?

This patient was not interested in having a set of fangs made, but given the amount of conversations about vampires that the poor guy was forced to endure at dinner every night (yup, he's the proud Papa of some teenage girls), he was interested in knowing just how far people would go.

After the inital giggling wore off, we started discussing exactly how we would make vampire fangs if indeed someone was interested. It would simply be another miracle of cosmetic dentistry. All that's necessary to achieve vampire fangs are custom constructed crowns. Cosmetic crowning is a rather routine procedure, and does not require many appointments.

Creating fangs for fans is just a simple modification of the permanent crown, and a matter of reducing the opposing lower teeth to accomodate the new length on top. Though the results are intended to be permanent... should one's tastes change, the crowns can always be replaced with standard sized crowns.

For more information, call our office at 727.733.1175 or visit us on the web at

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Super Foods for Healthy Teeth AND Healthy Skin!

You are what you eat. Luckily, I can safely say I'm not a Big Mac and Fries. Did you know that there are certain foods that can not only improve your health, but your appearance as well? It's true, the food we eat can make a big difference in the health and vibrance of your skin. Here's a list of our top favorites and their benefits:

-Romaine Lettuce: It's high in Vitamin A (OTC Retinol), which promotes cell turnover and collagen stimulation. In short, it's a natural exfoliant. It's also high in Vitamin K, which promotes vascular health. How's it good for your teeth? In homeopathic dentistry, romaine lettuce is thought to help reduce sensitivity and stregnthen enamel.

-Tomatoes: High in Lycopene, tomatoes help to reduce the risk of sunburn. Lycopene is also thought to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. As a snack, cherry tomatoes are a healthy alternative to sugary treats that promote tooth decay.

- Strawberries: These favorites are high in Vitamin C, which is a potent antioxidant. Vitamin C helps to produce collagen and maintain skin's firmness. Ellagic acid is also abundant in strawberries, this antioxidant protects the skin's elastic fibers and keeps skin from sagging. Strawberries can also be mixed with baking powder to help remove stains on teeth. Strawberries contain malic acid, which helps to remove surface stains.

-Apples: Apples contain the antioxidant Quercetin, which helps to minimize sunburn. It also minimalizes the damages caused by UVB rays, which can lead to skin cancer. Apples can also mimic the actions of a toothbrush, and work to help scrub the teeth clean. While apples may remove surface stain and tartar, it is still important to brush your teeth after eating them as they do contain sugar which will cling to the surface.

-Eggs: Eggs are high luthein and zeaxanthin protect against UV damage that causes fine lines, age spots and skin cancer. Eggs are a good stand in foe teeth in experiments and science projects. Curious as to if a food or drink might stain your teeth? Try it out on an eggshell first!

-Almonds: Almonds contain Vitamin E, one of the most beneficial antioxidants for skin health. Almonds also help boost the skin's moisture level. Almonds are also abundant in phosphorous, which helps to keep your bones and teeth strong.

-Olive Oil: Olive Oil is high in essential fatty acids that help to retain the skin's moisture. The body cannot synthesize EFA's, so a tablespoon of olive oil every day is beneficial. How is olive oil good for your teeth? Rinsing with an olive oil and water mixture can help to treat gingivitis.

Check back soon for more skin care secrets!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bringing Smiles to Pinellas County School Children

Summer time is here but before you know it, it will be time for the kids to go back to school (Can I get a hallelujah?) Here in our office, we're doing our part to spread dental health and smiles to school children throughout Pinellas County, without breaking Mom and Dad's bank.

On August 13th, 2010 our office will be hosting "Smile for School", a program initiated in Pinellas County by Dr. Sandra Lilo of Seminole ( This program is a community service program designed to benefit school age children by providing free dental xrays, teeth cleanings and a dental check up exam. All dental professionals and supporting staff are donating their time on a volunteer basis.

To qualify, children must simply be Pinellas County residents and currently enrolled in a school located in Pinellas County (private school ok!). If you would like to schedule an appointment for your child please contact our office at 727.733.1175. Space is limited and appointments will be filled on a first come, first serve basis.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Breakthrough Gel May Heal Cavities how cool and cutting edge are they? Recently they've run a piece about a new gel that encourages teeth to regenerate after cavities have already formed. Shazam!

This innovative technology is essentially different from all other methods of dentistry currently available. Most dentistry has two main goals: to prevent decay from beginning, and if prevention fails, to restore the tooth by removing the decay and infection and sealing the tooth.

This new gel is something entirely different. Rather than removing decayed areas of the tooth and replacing it with composite filling material, this gel is placed next to a cavity. It is made of MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone), when it is applied, the cells inside the teeth regenerate in rougly a month, according to their study.

The gel is NOT a preventative measure, it will not stop tooth decay, but it will reverse it. It does not take the place of brushing and flossing. Just like the old sports adage "the best defense is a good offense", your best chances for a healthy mouth are daily brushing and flossing.

However, it will still be several years before this treatment is available.... but isn't the possibility of it cool?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Have You Heard About Juvederm XC?

Facial Fillers are wonderful! They can do all sorts of magical things, like remove age lines and help promote a more youthful appearance, correct scars and plump up lips. In our office, Juvederm is the chosen filler of choice.

Now we're super excited! Juvederm XC is now available. What makes this product so super fantastic is that it is the Juvederm we all love, plus lidocaine. Lidocaine is an anaesthetic that can be injected or applied topically. In the past, in order to more comfortably receive treatment many patients opted for a topical anaesthetic or a dental block. Now those extra steps are not necessary (but they are still available!), as the anaesthetic mixed into the product makes for a more comfortable, relaxed patient experience. This is especially true for people who are fearful of discomfort.

Juvederm XC can reduce the typical appointment time as you don't have to wait for anaesthetic to kick in - a bonus for busy patients! Juvederm XC is especially suited to patients who are interested in enhancing their lips and tear troughs. For more information, please call our office at 727.733.1175.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Celebrity Fears and Phobias... You're Not Alone!

Nicole Kidman is afraid of butterflies. Johnny Depp fears clowns. Madonna's afraid of thunder. Sarah Michelle Gellar is afraid of graveyards. Cameron Diaz is afraid to touch doorknobs. Whoopi Goldberg is afraid to fly.

Kelly Osbourne and Robert DeNiro are afraid of the dentist. Kelly Osbourne even tweeted: "i have to go get my filling today and the fear is really really kicking in. i need to get over this fear of the dentist but i cant! (sic)"

Out of adults in the United States, studies show that 1 in 4 suffer from fear of the dentist. That's not surprising, considering the way dentistry was performed 30 years ago. However, dental technique and technology has evolved significantly. Discomfort, once the norm for dental treatment, is kept to an absolute minimum now.

In response to the growing amount of individuals facing dental fear, our office is proud to offer non-intravenous sedation. Fear can be a thing of the past as you snooze during your appointment, and you can accomplish much more treatment at one time.

Call our office today, 727.733.1175 and let us set you up with a free sedation consultation. We'll help you get over your dental fears... sorry, we can't do anything about the clowns.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Don't Be Like Jessica Simpson!

So Jessica Simpson, wow. Really?

I'll give her one thing, it certainly does take guts to go on national television and tell everyone you don't brush your teeth. Read the article here if you haven't. However, not only is it gross, it's hazardous to your overall health. Jessica says she uses Listerine and flosses, umm... great.

Flossing is essential to dental health. Good on ya there Jessica.

However, there is a reason that we dentists recommend brushing three times a day. Everything you eat and drink during the day touches your teeth, trapped food particles and sugar leads to decay. Invisible bacteria (plaque) also accumulates on your teeth. Brushing frequently removes the plaque, so that it doesn't harden into tartar. Tartar is more damaging to teeth, and much harder to remove. That "slippery" feeling that Jessica doesn't like actually indicates clean teeth, with an absence of tartar.

Brushing your teeth also helps to stimulate your gums, which can help prevent periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a very dangerous on going health condition which has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, low birth weight and still born babies, aspirated pneumonia and in extreme cases, death.

Moral of the story; brush your teeth. You're cooler than Jessica Simpson.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Is Bottled Water Bad for Your Teeth?

It sounds silly, doesn't it?

Bottled water is the second highest selling non-alcoholic drink in America. It's right behind soda, but that's a different blog post all together. In fact, we hand out bottled water to patients as they leave our office. It's just something nice we do to help alleviate the dental aftertaste.

However, an excess of bottled water is not necessarily healthy for your teeth. Most drinking water from the tap contains fluoride, which helps prevent cavities. In fact, having a filter on your tap may also filter out the fluoride. Charcoal based filters such as Brita and Pur will not filter out fluoride, while reverse osmosis filters will remove the fluoride.

For a list of which bottled waters do contain fluoride, please visit

Additionally, fluoride treatments are not just for children. The next time you visit your hygienist, ask for a fluoride treatment. It helps prevent decay, and your insurance company shouldn't dictate your health.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

25 Reasons Batman Keeps Dental Floss on His Utility Belt.

Our staff had some fun coming up all these reasons that Dental Floss is the preferred weapon of Superheroes. Given that Batman has a utility belt, he was our ideal choice.

1.Cutting Cheese Cake (unwaxed only)
2. Tie up Christmas ornaments in Wayne Manor.
3. Macrame
4. Tie string around finger to remember to change to alter ego.
5. Sew a button on the Bat Suit in a pinch
6. Tie plants to stakes
7. Replace broken shoe lace
8. Quick jewelry repair
9. Fishing line
10. Tie button hole closed in a pinch
11. Tie hair back
12. Use as an approximate measuring tape
13. Book mark
14. Tie it to a door knob for loose tooth removal
15. Use to draw straws with Robin over who drives the Batmobile.
16. Prison Break! Over time, dental floss can cut through steel. It can also be used to repel down a wall.
17. Weave together to make a small net to trap villains in.
18. For use in medical emergencies. It can be used to tie off arteries when all those “POWS” and “BAMS” get too much. It can also be used to tie off umbilical cords for unexpected civilian deliveries.
19. Repair umbrella (or Bat Cape). Use floss to tie fabric to the frame.
20. DIY clothes line.
21. Foil frays! Wrap dental floss around the ends of ropes and shoe laces to stop them from unraveling.
22. Floss other “utilities”. Making a braid out of floss allows you to clean crevices in tools.
23. Construct a crafty wind chime for Vicki Vale
24. Tie down broken bat mobile trunk. Ten loops through should do it.
25. Floss teeth and prevent gum disease!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Would You Like Some Botox With That?

"Would you like Botox with that? How about we make it a super size?"
Sadly, this mentality is permeating the facial rejuvenation community. Botox spas are opening up in local shopping malls and other commercial places. The atmosphere is similar to a nail or hair salon, appointments can be made, but you can also be seen on a walk in basis. This is giving consumers the impression that Botox isn't a medical procedure, and can be done on a whim.
This simply isn't true. Botox is a purified protein form of the Botulism toxin. It has been approved by the FDA, and can only be prescribed by physicians. It works by relaxing the muscles it is injected into, typically in the forehead or around the eyes. Medical training in head and neck anatomy is crucial to correctly administering Botox. Knowing just where to inject is not only a science, but also an art form. Injecting the wrong area could have unwanted results. Does that sound like something that should be ordered off of a drive through menu?
Though many of these clinics and storefronts are "overseen" by licensed physicians, they are not always on site, and often are not the individuals giving injections. When Botox is ordered off the drive through menu, it's hard to know who is actually administering your treatment, and what their actual training and qualifications are.
Another attractive feature of these mall clinics is the low cost. Beware of Botox sold below $10/unit, or at a fixed price for an area. Allergan, the US producer and distributor of Botox Cosmetic, sells their product to only licensed physicians at roughly the same rate. Any purchase below $10/unit is most likely not Botox Cosmetic, expired or, it is not being administered in the proper amounts.
Additionally, when Botox is performed in a medical office with a trained support staff, you can be sure that the environment is appropriately sterile and maintained.
"Your face is your outward representation of who you are. Don't trust it to just anyone." says Dr. Mike Hopkins. "Spend the time, do the homework so you acheive the best results for a beautiful you. If you eat McDonald's three times a day, its going to show up on your body. If you do drive through Botox, the results will be about the same."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Quick and Easy Skin Care Tips That Anyone Can Do!

Did you know that skin is the largest body organ? Here are some quick and easy skin care tips to get you started:

1. Use sunscreen daily! Sun damage is the number one cause of premature aging and skin cancer. Whether or not you intend to be outside, its a good idea to have that protection all the time. Some moisturizers also incorporate it, we recommend TNS Ultimate Daily Moisturizer +20 spf.

2. Take a multi-vitamin. Vitamins C, E, A and B7 are beneficial not only to your general health, but to your skin as well! They can help minimize free radical damage, help produce new cell growth, promote healing and help with acne.

3. Drink water! Water helps the skin rid itself of impurities. Between 8 and 10 glasses a day should do it. It will also aid your overall body function.

4. Don't touch your face!! Your hands are germy, transferring those germs onto your face promotes oil build up and break outs. Tie your hair back at night to keep product build up off of your skin, and keep make up brushes clean. Throw out any make up that is more than a few months old.

5. Wash your face every evening to remove make up and other environmental build up from the day. This will prevent acne breakouts and infections from developing. Wash carefully after applying hair products as they can cause build up and residue on your skin. Your skin heals best around 10 pm, so try and scrub up way before bed time!

6. Avoid excess sugar. (This one is dear to our dental hearts!) Excess sugar leads to the formation of toxins called AGEs, (advanced glycations end products) which lead to the breakdown of collagen, connective tissue and promote wrinkles. Since this is kind of a toughy, try reducing your sugar a little at a time, like only putting half the amount of sugar in your coffee each day until you're down to none.

7. Exfoliate! Exfoliating several times a week helps slough off dead cells and brightens skin. For men, this can also help with in grown hairs associated with shaving.

8. Use products and services designed for your skin type. If you're not sure what your skin type is, consult an aesthetician, who will not only be able to tell you your skin type, but will recommend which products you should and should not use.

9. Don't pick! Squeezing, picking, popping and all other sorts other mean things you do to your skin can cause scarring and infection! It also works bacteria deeper into the skin.

10. Change your pillow cases often. They will hold onto the oils, residue and bacteria that you leave on them every night.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Peru Mission 2010

Dr. Hopkins has just recently returned from his mission to Peru, as part of a team of Rotarians. This is his 3rd consecutive mission to Peru. He has previously donated dentistry to citizens of the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Bosnia.

Dr. Mike treated 125 patients and performed 254 extractions over a three day clinic time. This year's Rotary Team was able to extend cleft palate correction as this is a common ailment in Peru. There were 21 cleft palate corrections performed, for which Dr. Hopkins assisted the surgeons by performing the pre-surgery extractions.

... and no, this year he didn't enjoy the local delicacy of roasted guinea pig.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dr. Mike's Thoughts Before Leaving for Peru

Today I am leaving for my dental mission trip to Chincha, Peru. Chincha is about an hour and a half south of Lima on the coastline of Peru. The trip is composed of two teams teams of clef palate surgeons and the second team of four dentists, of which I am one. We will be getting children ready for the surgery by extracting teeth that need to come out prior to the surgery, as well as caring for several hundred other children and adults in the surrounding community that are in dire need of care. Unfortunately, almost all of the treatment is dental extractiions, due to the extreme levels of decay. However, when someone has had a toothache and infection for several months, it is a real service to them to be able to have that tooth taken out! Right now as I get ready to leave, I am doing the mental checklist of everything that I need to take with me....gloves, masks, headlamps, passport, clothes...etc. Going to a site that we have never been to always poses certain challenges, such as working conditions, eqipment, even if there is any, patient shelter, and so on. It is the cause for a few of those butterflies in the stomach....but somehow, miraculously, everything always seems to work out. Looking forward to several very long, hard days ahead, but every minute is worth it. This is why I became a give back!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Is Your Breath Stank?

Bad breath, its not just a medical condition, it can be a social issue as well. Consider this a PSA from a dentist who cares. There are many causes of bad breath, some rather mild, some more serious. How do you know what the cause is?

The object of this post is to briefly outline some dental issues that could be at the root of the problem.

You are what you eat! If you're eating onion and garlic, brushing may not be enough afterwards! What you eat is digested, and then absorbed into the bloodstream and then released in the lungs where it is then expelled. Brushing, flossing and mouth wash only camoflauge the stank, they can't remove it!

Mama wasn't kidding when she said brush your teeth! Do you know that particles of food remain in the mouth after you are done eating? If you're not brushing and flossing regularly, these particles are just sitting there rotting. You guessed it, they give off mouth odor. This problem can be corrected by brushing and flossing! This will not only improve mouth odor, but will help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Trust us, gum disease is a bad one.

Would you kiss an ash tray? Smoking causes bad breath. Duh.

Cotton Mouth, not just a snake! One of the leading causes of halitosis is dry mouth. Saliva rinses away bacteria and debris, so when there's no saliva, all of those germies stick around. Some reasons for dry mouth include salivary gland issues, use of certain medications and mouth breathing.

Briefly, there are some medical conditions such as diabetes, gastrointestinal disturbance, liver and kidney ailments, respitory infections, sinusitis and post nasal drip that can cause bad breath. If your dentist determines that your mouth is healthy, you may need to contact your physician.

Brushing and flossing: definitely the keys to a beautiful smelling mouth. Mouthwash is a temporary fix, and offers no long term benefits. Remember to brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth as they are a good place for bacteria to gather. The healthier your mouth, the fresher your breath!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Free Radicals Bounce Off of Us

We drink alot of green tea in our office, its a great source of antioxidants. With all the media exposure to antioxidants and super foods, we feel its the least we can do. We also eat alot of McDonald's, but hey, no one is perfect. There's alot of buzz in the press about antioxidants, and some food and diet companies have composed fairly successful marketing campaigns around them. But what exactly are they, and how do they work?

THE LEAST YOU NEED TO KNOW: We're going back to high school chemistry class for just a second. Remember atomic anatomy? Everything is made of atoms, and atoms are made of protons and electrons. The number of protons and electrons in an atom is supposed to be equal. Free radicals are atoms that have unpaired electrons. Free radicals can cause skin cancer, photo-aging, discolorations in the skin. An easy way to think of this is to picture an apple. Cut it in half, and the inside will quickly begin to turn brown. The same thing is happening to your skin, just on a much less dramatic level.

Antioxidants fight free radicals. The two most common antioxidants are Vitamin C and Vitamin E. You may have them in your One-a-day, but that's not really what we're talking about.

HERE'S THE GOOD NEWS: Just like us, you can pretty much limit the amount of free radical damage... make them "bounce off of you", and no, its not the cup of green tea that's doing it. Its topical antioxidants that when applied to the skin, help not only fight free radical damage, but repair previous damage as well. Let's talk about them:

Vitamin C & E: These antioxidants work by donating their electrons to the free radicals, thus neutralizing the problem. Vitamin C is a super-antioxidant, as it also stimulates collagen production and Vitamin E. Our favorite product: SkinMedica's Vitamin C&E complex, its an all in one punch that only needs to be applied once daily.

Vitamin A (Retinol): Vitamin A (in all of its various forms) is a powerful weapon in the fight against dermal damage. Vitamin A assists your body in ridding itself of dead and damaged cells; "chemical exfoliation" (as opposed to the sandpaper method). It also assists in collagen production, and even further, it helps by binding growth factors (the things that make your skin new again) to cells. Now, we all remember the kid with acne in high school that had to go to the dermatologist and got put on Retin-A. He looked like a tomato. There's been som remarkable leaps and bounds in this technology, no tomatoes required. Our favorite product: SkinMedica's Retinol Complex. Applied once in the evening, this time released formula does its strongest work while you sleep, and when you're not exposed to the sun. Its gentle, and as long as its used at night, it generally does not cause irritation.

Moisturizers: Some moisturizers advertise antioxidants, and may in fact contain minimal amounts. Generally, they will include green tea, kinetin, some form of Vitamin C, etc., etc. But, the FDA has decreed than any products of this type that are sold OTC may not contain more than 3% active ingredient. We didn't lose hope, we found a product that works: SkinMedica's Dermal Repair Cream (are you seeing a pattern?). Dermal Repair cream not only moisturizes, but also contains high levels of Vitamins C and E, Vitamin B-5 (used to bind moisture to surface layers of skin), Hyaluronic Acid (which naturally occurs in the body and produces that "plump" look in the skin) and other powerful ingredients.

So, there you have it in a nutshell, our secrets to making free radicals bounce off of us. Simple, right?

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Benefits of Chemical Peels

One of the most effective and least invasive Facial Rejuvenation treatments is chemical peel. This procedure is also called chemexfoliation and derma-peeling. This procedure uses a chemical solution applied to the skin, which then mimics the effects of a sun burn. After several days the skin will then peel, revealing new rejuvenized skin.
Chemical Peels have several fantastic benefits:
  • Reduce fine lines around the mouth and eyes

  • Treat wrinkles caused by the sun, aging and hereditary factors

  • Improve the appearance of mild scarring

  • Treat certain types of acne
  • Reduce age spots, freckles and dark patches due to pregnancy or taking birth control pills (melasma)

  • Improve the look and fell of skin that is dull in texture and color.
If you're a sun worshipper, you may consider chemical peels, as they may improve areas of sun damage that may contain pre-cancerous keratoses that appear as scaly spots. Following treatment, pre-cancerous lesions are less likely to appear.

Chemical Peels do not treat bulges, sags and more severe wrinkles. There are other facial rejuvenation treatments to target these complaints.

There are some questions you should ask your physician or aesthetician before choosing a chemical peel.

  • Are the desired results I described realistic?
  • Where is the peel performed and how long will it take?

  • In my case, which technique and peel are appropriate?

  • How much do chemical peels cost, and if I need multiples, is there a package rate available?

  • What is your level of experience concerning chemical peels?

  • What level of discomfort will I generally experience during the procedure?
  • What should I expect post-operatively?

You cannot have a chemical peel if you suffer from vitiligo, lupus and other autoimmune disorders, if you have had chemo/radiation in the past year, if you have used accutane in the past year, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Though the benefits of chemical peels are easily described, a picture is worth a thousand words:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

FREE Chemical Peels- One Day Event!

Please join us for this one day special event, and receive a SkinMedica Chemical Peel absolutely free! In addition, you will receive a FREE facial rejuvenation consult and service discounts. Please call 727. 733.1175 to RSVP or email

Monday, February 8, 2010

When is a Blog Not Just a Blog?

When we use it to communicate.

First off, "we" is the collective team here at Dr. Mike's. Second, the trouble with health care blogs is that they don't talk to you, they talk at you. We don't want to do that. We're very fortunate, because we sincerely have the best patients. Often we find ourselves asking if anyone's heard from Jenn P. recently, or if anyone's seen John C.'s wedding pictures. We've been blessed to be a part of the lives of many families. We're greedy, we want more. We want to hear from you more than every six months? Why?

Because you're not just our patients, you're our friends.

Yes, really... and no, we're not desperate, thank you very much. Here's the point of the blog in a nutshell: We know you're busy. We know we're competing for your time. We want to know how to win.

Leave us a comment, send Colleen an email, give us a call 727.733.1175. We'll make it worth your while, promise.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why Places Like Peru Still Matter

Recently my secretary fielded a call from a person who had visited our website and took notice of the fact that I will be returning to Peru in March to continue my donated dental work. She hadn't called to schedule a dental appointment, nor to contribute any useful information to the upcoming trip. She had simply called to suggest that I cancel my trip to Peru and travel to Haiti instead.

I have been to Haiti many, many times to donate dentistry. I am sure I will ultimately travel to Haiti again. As my secretary explained that I was already engaged to go to Peru, and could not cancel, the woman became irate. Obviously, she has some deeper issues than just an oh-so-new burning passion for Haiti. Then several patients also asked if I would be going to Haiti.

I empathize with Haiti. I have been there, and understand first hand the excruciating hardships that these people lived with on a daily basis BEFORE the devestation of the earthquake. I understand that it will be quite some time before we can help them return to the progress they were striving for. But one thought kept running through my head, "Don't they see?"

Haiti is catastrophic, but all around the world there are developing nations dealing with their own crisis and catastrophes. The orphanages in Peru still matter. Their condition hasn't improved because Haiti's has deteriorated. The developing nations around the world are still in need of our aid. Nor should our efforts be based on what is currently news worthy and fashionable. They should be consistent, and targeted to where they will do the most good. The most effective aid is often rendered when there is no one around to broadcast it.

Bringing dignity and education to these countries does help Haiti, as well as the next place that crisis hits. The term "developing nations" isn't just a PC term to replace "third world". Its an idea, its an expression of hope. As we help others develop, there will be more hands to help clear rubble. There will be more volunteers to help feed and clothe those that are in need. As they have been helped, so will they help.

Peru still matters. Sri Lanka still matters. Mongolia still matters. Helping all people across the globe still matters, and it always should.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

On Facial Aesthetics: Its About What You Want

Facial Aesthetics; it's a field chock full o' stereotypes. Take a moment to think about it... now admit it, the thought gave rise to an emotion, be it positive or negative. You may have been interested, you may have been appalled, but you definitely felt something.

That is the exact point of this blog, that facial aesthetics is about feelings. It's about your own personal desires and self esteem. If you desire a more youthful appearance, why shouldn't you have one? If you desire fuller lips, why shouldn't you have them?

Only you can decide what you want, and how you want to look. Your facial appearance is the essence of who you are, and only you can decide who you want to be. The possibilities are endless.